Saturday, September 15, 2012

Commenting builds confidence: Thing Four

For "Thing Four," we are asked to discuss the importance of commenting and pick 5 of our classmates to comment on. Commenting helps one as a teacher to not only interact with classmates or co-workers, but helps one to get involved! Interaction is one of the top important tools of being teacher because a teacher must interact with students, other teachers, the principal, and also the parents. Having a blog and commenting on others helps to interact with many people!
Out of the readings I took a peek at I noticed the statement, "You show the blogger that 'you hear them'." I found this very important because as future teachers we all need encouragement and the satisfaction that we can grab attention on important topics. The second statement I found said, "Writers like knowing they have been read." I know that it gives me more confidence to know I am being heard. Commenting only proves that one is being heard.
The 5 classmates I chose for this particular 23 Things are:
1. Ava Jayne
2. Emily Rittenberry
3. Doshanna Richards
4. Marilea Blair
5. Susan Peterson.
The sort of comments that I left were such things as "Well done!" or "Powerful words!" But also, I made statements and thoughts. I would like to always go into better detail so my classmate knows, I hear them and I love commenting!


  1. Cristina, I really enjoyed your post. I agree that it helps to know that people are listening to what you have to say.
    Thaks, Stephanie

  2. I think that showing people that you "hear them" was one of the most important points made on those blogs! We all like to know that our effort to express our thoughts was noticed! Cute blog!

  3. Well worded. I agree with everything you had to say on your blog.
