Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Is this the end? No, it is only the beginning.

So is this it?
Of course not.
For starters, I believe the 23 Things blog is only a way for us to get a jump-start to our social networking, technology using, and teaching career.
What I most liked about the 23 Things program is that I can write freely, telling whatever true feelings I have about a new tool or discovery I found in this program. Also, what I liked was getting to play with all the tools that many teachers use today! Getting to know all the resources that are available to teachers helps me to feel more like a teacher already. 
My favorite (fun) discovery in this journey is Spell with Flickr. I enjoyed getting to make such a cool creation that even my future students would find enjoyable, while learning how to spell! My favorite (assistant) discovery was the LiveBinder I created for myself. It is great to always have a resource used for better organization in my life.
If I could change one thing... I would change the use of Wiki. For teachers, it is not so bad because we are constantly learning and changing our knowledge, so Wiki can relate to our minds. However, I do not believe Wiki should be exampled as a good resource for students.
All in all, I have learned a lot from my blog discoveries and my Instructional Technology class. I have acquired the skills for using more technology and have learned how I can incorporate it into my future classroom.
If it is at all possible, I will do my best to keep up with my blog and to read others. This way I can still share and learn new ideas for my teaching practice on a day-to-day basis. A few points were made that got me thinking to, so I have created a resolution for myself:
I will write down one important thing I learned every day at school. Whether it be a sentence, comment, story, quote, or even one word, I will write it down! After writing it down, I will create a blog post talking about that one small or big thing I learned at school that day.
Good luck to all those future teachers!   

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