Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tagging: Thing Seventeen

For Thing Seventeen, we are asked to create an account with Delicious and explore the site under "educational technology." I found different websites that could be very useful. One I found was the TeacherTube. I had no idea there was such a site out there! You can look up videos just as if it is YouTube! I think this tool is wonderful because you can review how one teacher may have taught a lesson you are about to approach or find ideas for your own lesson. You could maybe even learn about ideas you have never known. With the Delicious tool, you can bookmark a great website you see, such as the TeacherTube. 
Also, you can log into the Delicious web tool through your Facebook or Twitter. This can help you to see what your fellow teachers or co-workers are using with this tool as well. It can help teachers to collaborate or share ideas in their classroom!

Organization is key: Thing Sixteen

For Thing Sixteen, we are asked to explore fun Web tools such as making a homepage or using gadgets such as a to-do list or calendar. 
I find such tools as these, very useful for teachers! We already know as future teachers, our time needs to be planned out and on schedule everyday. it is important to have a good homepage such as the iGoogle or a calendar that keeps everything up to date for us. 
I myself made a homepage with iGoogle. I chose my own theme and deleted gadgets I found less useful. 
The Backpack tool is also very useful for teachers. As stated on the website, the online calendar is great for keeping of with life's loose ends.
The to-do lists are perfect for me. In my planner I keep now, I write down every little thing I have to do in a day. I also put check boxes next to each item so I can check off as I go throughout the day. If I don't write down everything I need done in a day, I will forget that one important thing.
These organized web based tools are perfect for teachers, especially like me!    

Wiki: Thing Fifteen

For Thing Fifteen, we are asked to experience the world of wiki. Wiki is an interesting site to explore. I think it is amazing how one can change or edit into anyone's information he/she has given on that site. 
However, I have been told by all of my teachers that I am NOT to use wiki for any researching. This is because wiki does allow anyone to post or edit information. 
Although, wiki can be a great resource for children to use for their own information exploring. Children can use wiki to learn how everyone's opinion is different on many subjects.
Wiki would be a great tool to use in the classroom on teaching students different ideas and opinions on ideas or information in today's society.    

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Flow/Mind: Thing Fourteen

For Thing Fourteen, we are asked to explore different flowchart and mind map web tools and decide how we can use these tools in different ways and areas.
I created an account with|brainstorm and mind maps. I started creating a small flowchart for my term paper in History 1220. It was very cool to have my brainstorming in a neat order. Especially for me to go back and look at to see what else I have to consider. 
The difference between the mind maps and flowcharts is that flowcharts have the more simple way of organizing information and brainstorming whereas mind maps seem have a more modern style or organizing your information. Mind maps have many different points drawing off the one main idea or focus of the subject. However, flowcharts begin with the focus and draw off different sub points and ideas from the main focus. 
Either tool one may use, flowcharts and mind maps are a great way of organizing information for not only a teacher but at student as well. These charts help to draw attention to the main areas at which a child should be looking upon in whatever subject area a teacher may be teaching that day.
Flowcharts and mind maps are a great web tool!   

Zoho & Google Docs: Thing Thirteen

For Thing Thirteen, we are asked to explore Zoho and Google Docs.
The first I explored was Zoho. I created an account and decided to sign up for "Challenge" which is a site where teachers can create quizzes or test for students to take online. I created a small quiz on culture. I related it to the small power point I made for my Education 3040 class. I would love to teach Social Studies so I thought this would be a fun little activity for me to practice! 
Next, I created a small quiz on Google Docs just to get the hang of it. I did further explore what all is possible to do on Google Docs. A teacher can create a spreadsheet, make forms, drawings, documents, and even create folders. Below, I have created a link to the tiny quiz I made up relating to standards 3.1 in 3rd grade Social Studies.
Culture Quiz
With Google Docs, a teacher has many resources he/she can use to incorporate in the their classroom. It is another fun and easy tool I have enjoyed learning about!